1) Mesmerized - Being attracted by something ; like the mind is being control by something else.
Example - The kid is being mesmerized by a huge cupcakes. He wants to eat it
2) Impeccably - Complete, totally perfect. Not a single mistake
Example - When my mom tries to do something, she want it to be impeccably because she doesn't like messing the works
3) Petrified - A cause to become stonelike or dazz or stunned.
Example - The baby seems to be Petrified when his mother took his picture.
4) Chaotics - Messy; not really organize
Example - My room is quite chaotic so sometimes my mom have to yell at me to get me clean up the room.
5) Dissuade - To convince or suggest someone from doing something.
Example - I and my friends went to the cinema to see "Resident Evil" but the people dissuade us not to go because the movie is only for 16+
6) Negotiated - discuss the term of an arrangment
Example - Before you buy something, you should negotiated.
7) Acquisition - To archieve something, to reach the goal ; to get something that you want
Example - I want to acquisition an Iphone, so this term I'm gonna study hard!
8) Commemorate - Memorial, flash back and remember
Example - Uncle died in 2nd September 1969, so every year on 2nd September, we had a commemorate of him.
9) Mimicking - to copy or repeat the actions of other people
Example - Children mimicking their parent's action and repeat their words for learning and gain knowledge. That's how they learn
10) Resemble - not exactly the same ; something that look similar to something we saw before.
Example: These two are not twin, they are two completely different person but they resemble each other.