Monday, January 10, 2011

Camp Harmony - Answer 1 question

Camp Harmony is told from 1st person POV. What info might a 3rd POV include that Sone can't?

If the story told from a 3rd person point of view, meaning that the writer will be using 'he, she...' their probably will be more informations abou the camp and more about what Sone did in the camp. Because in the story that she wrote, she didn't write much about what she did and react to what happened in the camp. If the story was told from 3rd person, their likely to be more infomations on Sone and so we can know about her. We can also know more about how people felt about the camp. They might describe Sone's reaction and their reaction on the camp, and we can experience another person feeling about the camp, not just only Sone. The 3rd person might be an adult, so he/she would explain more why the Japanese-America were send to Camp Harmony and what happened in the world at that time.

1 comment:

  1. Your answer really makes sense. But i think the 3rd person will include the feelings about his or herself. Because the 1st person can't know how the 3rd person feel.
