Friday, October 8, 2010


Author: Angelia Bui
Fandom: Axis Power Hetalia 
Category: Sadness, brotherhood
Status: Complete
Author's note: For all of my friends. I put all of my feeling into it, so please give me feedback. This is actually 3 pages. I don't even sure how old is Arthur is :"> Just make it up myself


My name is Alfred F. Jones. My parents died 12 years ago by a car accident in London, United Kingdom. After my parent’s death, I wandered outside the Street and it was super mega cold outside. My fingers, arms, legs were freezing, shaking violently. I couldn’t walk properly, when I tried to stand up, I fell down again. Everything became blurry and I flashback when my parents were still alive. “As expected from our family. Blond hair, blue big eyes! You are really cute Alfred!!” It was a sad memory, but right after that, I found a place that I can rest there  in one night. I laid down, talked to myself: “This might be the end for me. I should die together with my parents…” Closed my eyes, waited for a peaceful death. Suddenly, a boy appear seems to be older than me. His hair is blond like me, but he has green eyes and a fuzzy eyebrow. He wore a torn off shirt and pant, look like he is poor too. “Boy, are you okay?” That’s how I met my brother, Arthur Kirkland. He took me in and take care of me. He taught me how to read, how to behave with other people, and also how to fight. But there is one lesson that I couldn’t forget it since I was nine. This is how it started.
It was a very cold day in December, Arthur and I went shopping food for tonight and tomorrow. It’s nearly Christmas and people are everywhere, it was colorful and lively outside. I saw people smiling, talking and buying gift. On the way home, I saw a very pretty shirt; I stared at it for a long time and told Arthur  “Big Brother, I really like this shirt… Will you buy it for me?” I used a very very and very soft voice to convince him, I also use puppy eyes technique to persuade him. His hand is covered the face and he was looking at another direction. Arthur said: “I’m sorry Alfred. I know you really like the shirt but it’s really expensive. We don’t have enough money right now…” I put my hand straight down, pouted and walked forward. That night for dinner, we didn’t talk much to each other. Whenever Arthur tried to talk to me, I ignored him. Tomorrow, I told him: “I REALLY want that shirt! Buy me one Arthur~~!!” He glared at me, pushed me away and walked up to his room. His fuzzy eyebrow pointed down sharply, I’ve never seen him like this before. From that time, Arthur spent most of the night in his room doing something suspicious. After washing up the dishes, Arthur went straight to his room, locked it up. But he didn’t know that I made a little hole to sneak into it, Days pass by; our daily routine is not as cheerful as before, I grew worried of Arthur kick me out of the house. He took me in and takes care of me, so he definitely can kick me out. I walked to his room nervously, my body is shaking and my head couldn’t think of any to ask him if he’s okay or not. I knocked and Arthur opened the door, I asked him: “Arthur, you’ve been acting strange lately. Are you okay?” He looked at me with no emotions answered: “Not to worry, I’m okay. Thank you!” and then closed his door again. What kind of reaction is that? I gather all of my will and went ask him if he’s okay, and this is how he response?! After that, I asked him a lot of questions about what he has been doing all this time. I saw his reaction, annoying. But I pretended I didn’t see anything and keep pestering him, but our case didn’t solve at all. I couldn’t hold back anymore and sneaked into his room while he went out. I found lots of yarn balls, a sweater that in middle of knitting lying on his bed. When I was looking around investigating, Arthur came home and saw me. That was the most horrible moment in my life. I shivered and shake. I thought my head is going to explode at that time. Arthur, the one who was standing at the front door, looking straight to my eyes, I can feel the pressure rising.
I was so scared that I wanted to cry. This is the first time I’ve seen him angry like this. I never yelled at me before, maybe times changed right? I ran right away, straight up to my room without thinking, I cried. It hurts, it hurts so much! My chest is hurt; I could feel it to my palm. I couldn’t even hold a pencil and squeezes it, my eyes are always full of tears that I couldn’t see the color blue inside of it. I realized that, Arthur is the only person that I need right now. I really love him. Even if he hates me, its fine, I was so happy just to be able to live with him, I really meant it. I lost my parents already, I don’t want to lose Arthur, my only brother and my special person right now. But everything seemed to be hopeless when Arthur invited his friend to the house. I told me not to come down, but I couldn’t help my curious, so I went downstair. “Alfred is such a pest, he really annoyed me yah know! He keep telling me to buy him the expensive sweater even though we didn’t have enough money to buy them. Look at my hand here, I’ve been working to get the money, they are all callosities. Maybe I shouldn’t take him in that time; I don’t need him to distract me anymore.”
I could feel it, his hatred toward me. My heart beat so fast, I’m all sweating even though it was snowing outside. It was more painful that any of the pain I’ve felt before. I couldn’t breath anymore, I lost my only brother Arthur. You know, the most painful feeling is the hared from the person you loved most. Immediately, I put some clothes on and climbed down the window then ran away as fast as I can. My tears are all frozen from the snow, I ran away without thinking about anything. I ran, ran and ran, until I couldn’t feel my legs anymore. At home, Arthur walked up to my room, the window was open, some clothes are gone and there are footsteps on the snow.
“Oh Damn it! He heard me! I really should go and look for him! He will die in this condition of weather! Why do you decide to run away, Alfred?!”  The weather was really cold outside, snow made me can’t see and feel anything. I’m so hungry, maybe Arthur is happy that I’m gone. Even though I couldn’t feel anything, but I have a feeling, it’s getting near and I could feel it. It felt so safe, warm and gentle. Just like the feeling when I first met Arthur. And it came true, Arthur found me, sitting on the doorstep. He was tired and out of breath. We looked at each other, until Arthur called my name: “Alfred..?”
I stand up and tried to ran away, but Arthur caught my wrist and pull me back.
“Listen Alfred! Let me explain!”
“I don’t hate you!” As he said that, I tried to pull away from him as hard as I can, but it’s all useless because he was way stronger than me.
“But I heard it with my ears!!! I don’t hate you Arthur, I care about you instead. I care about you even more than myself. I want you to be happy!! I just want to be with you! I lost my family…. So that’s why I don’t….*sob* want to…. *sob* lose you!” I cried as I talked, he let go of my hand and hugged me.
“I’m sorry…. I’m so sorry for not understanding your feeling. I don’t know how can I make it up…but this is a gift for you, I handmade it myself. I hope you like it!”
Arthur pulled out a sweater that look exactly the one on his bed. Now I understand everything. Knitting, spent all the night inside the room, his hand got injured…
“Merry Christmas, my dearest brother, Alfred F. Jones…” Arthur said it and smile, my tears truly didn’t stop falling, he did it all for me, I’m a terrible brother. Arthur smiles, wipe away my tears: “Come on! Be strong and don’t cry!” But I couldn’t stop crying, I glomp at him, hug him tight:
“Thank you, my big brother Arthur Kirkland. Merry Christmas. I love you more than anyone else.”
That’s how it ended. I learned many things about Arthur and gain experiences. I’m 15 years old right now and Arthur is 20 years old. We’re living happy together, and I’m gonna make sure I’ll never going to make that mistake again.      


  1. Nice but a little long
    get to 2 pages lady Hokage

  2. This is actually 3 pages like I said on yahoo :D Can't help it, I actually can write more but we can only write 3 pages so I have to cut a lot of parts... :"<

    Alfred~~~ :x :x :x

  3. Những bạn mà mình quảng cáo fic này đừng chém như 1 ng` bạn của mình đã từng chém nhé. Vì đây là BÀI-LÀM-CHO-TRƯỜNG nên không thể cho Francis vào đây =v=.... Sẽ bị trừ điểm nhiều hơn ..... Dx Thông cảm nha

  4. Great job, Sis Angelia! Though it's a story made by yourself, it's very cool. Good ending as well as good lesson, too. I like these kinds of story. You opened again my heart. Besides, it just has a little mistake about vocab and grammar, a little. Thanks for letting me read this one!

  5. Don't mention about grammar cuz I know I'm not good at it =v=
    Thank you so much for your comment :D
